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  • Break A Habit

    Hi there, It had been a long while that I kept doing the same routine over and over. At some point, when it started to get boring, I got to start doing something new. I had been doing weight-training in the gym for years and in the last few months, I started training for long-distance…

  • Time Off

    Hi there, I just came back from the vacation. I booked a trip to Khao Lak in the south of Thailand several months ago. Luckily it was a very good time to take a break as I was struggling a lot with the stress.  The trip was nice and calm. I simply ditched all my…

  • Down Time

    Hello there, I had stopped running for almost 2 weeks already. It happened that my right leg got some kind of injured. I guessed it was shin splints. It started a couple of weeks ago when I started to feel some kind of tension around my right calf as if I would get cramp but…

  • Refueling

    Hi there, Continuing from my last blog, it might sound like I had burnout which might actually be true. Well it just didn’t happen over a night, but it gradually came up and all of a sudden, I realized I had it. I thought it came from the stress that I got from work. I…

  • Dull

    Hi there, Lately, it had been quite dull. I didn’t get much to do during the weekend as I worked full-time during weekdays. Usually I tried to find something to do whether going out, watching movies, or reading books, but I just didn’t feel like it. Some people say that it’s nice to spend some…

  • Detaching

    Hi there, Glad midsommar! Although it had been more than a year since I left Sweden, I still missed it very much. The country taught me many things and I learned a lot about myself.  When I was young, I collected a lot of things as my hobbies. I played games, card games, boardgames and…

  • Unhappy Path

    Hi there, Lately I had been feeling very unhappy about things and people around me including myself. I wasn’t sure how and when it happened but I guessed it started from the project at work. There was a big and tough project that I was assigned to. I actually didn’t have much to do with…

  • Japan Trip 2019

    Hi there, This blog would be about my Japan trip with my 2 Swedish friends-Ludwig and Steven. I got to know them since I was in Sweden a couple of years ago. We planned this trip together from last year. It was almost a year ago actually as initially I planned to do it in…

  • Sprinting

    Hi there, There was one client I had been working with since September last year. It started with a small research project then it became much bigger. Then my colleague and I were put into their team and they were using Agile methodology. For more details, read this: https://www.planview.com/resources/articles/agile-and-lean/ It was that my client wasn’t…

  • My Macros

    Hi there, Last weekend I got a health check and the blood test results were quite surprising and interesting. Everything was alright except triglyceride was too low. Well, triglyceride is “bad” fat that we should keep it low but I somehow kept it way too low. So I was suggested to eat more carb. I…