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  • Unhappy Path

    Hi there, Lately I had been feeling very unhappy about things and people around me including myself. I wasn’t sure how and when it happened but I guessed it started from the project at work. There was a big and tough project that I was assigned to. I actually didn’t have much to do with…

  • Japan Trip 2019

    Hi there, This blog would be about my Japan trip with my 2 Swedish friends-Ludwig and Steven. I got to know them since I was in Sweden a couple of years ago. We planned this trip together from last year. It was almost a year ago actually as initially I planned to do it in…

  • Sprinting

    Hi there, There was one client I had been working with since September last year. It started with a small research project then it became much bigger. Then my colleague and I were put into their team and they were using Agile methodology. For more details, read this: https://www.planview.com/resources/articles/agile-and-lean/ It was that my client wasn’t…

  • My Macros

    Hi there, Last weekend I got a health check and the blood test results were quite surprising and interesting. Everything was alright except triglyceride was too low. Well, triglyceride is “bad” fat that we should keep it low but I somehow kept it way too low. So I was suggested to eat more carb. I…

  • Vietnam Trip

    Happy New Year! Wish you all the best one :) I’ll start this year with a little travel blog from my last trip. I spent my New Year’s eve with some old friends in Vietnam. We went there the weekend after Christmas and stayed there for 9 days. So I didn’t get to feel the…

  • Sum of 2018

    Hi there, Happy holidays! This year had been another milestone of my life. I made it through my 20’s and started my 30’s. There were many ups and downs. Moving back from Sweden was a big thing. I got to admit that it surely was a disappointment. It was my second attempt to live and…

  • The Pack

    Hi there, Lately it had been eventful. Let’s start from the Charlie Puth Voicenotes concert in late October. It was great. All the hits were there. I attended his concert with my friends-Pat and his wife. I somehow had become a fanboy since I-don’t-know-when, maybe 3-4 years ago. He was cool and talented, and I…

  • Little Break

    Hi there, The big project from that international insurance company was over. Here was a little break before we start a new phase. We were lucky that they liked what we did for them. So they decided to continue with us in the phase 2. I wasn’t sure what would be there but it seemed…

  • Busy Busy

    Hi there, These last two weeks had been super crazy. Morphosis got a big international client and I was lucky enough to be a part of the project. It was about creating customer journey map and personas. Actually it wasn’t that big but was very intense considering the timeframe and work. Everything was very short…

  • Normal Pace

    Hi there, Things started to get settled. My life at home was moving steadily. My workout routine was on track. I still kept experimenting new techniques-diets and exercises. Hopefully it could improve my health and performance. My job was also fine. I got busy more or less everyday-not too much, not too boring. It was challenging…