Little Break

Hi there,

The big project from that international insurance company was over. Here was a little break before we start a new phase. We were lucky that they liked what we did for them. So they decided to continue with us in the phase 2. I wasn’t sure what would be there but it seemed to be fun!

That first phase was really intense. The schedule was packed. The expectations were high. I had to admit that I was so stressed out. Though it was a great challenge and I learned a lot from that. Talking about the process and the work, it was set in stone, kind of. I just had to deliver the best I could do. Fortunately, we had understanding clients and they were super supportive. I made mistakes but we sorted it out. I just can’t tell much detail here. It was supposed to be confidential. Anyway, it was great learning experience.

Apart from that…I wasn’t sure what had happened during the past month…It was like I was busy with that project, then time passed. So I couldn’t really reflect and do other things, then a month just went by. It was such a tricky situation as one could just overlook the detail easily thus it becomes too late to go back and fix things.

Over one weekend, I got a chance to attend Bangkok Art Biennale 2018. It was a big art exhibition that spread across Bangkok. (Well, it was actually just the inner Bangkok, not the whole city.) There were a lot of great works and exhibitions from many artists around the world. It was very inspiring to experience. Too bad I couldn’t get all the artists’ name :/

Later alligator,

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