Winter Scene
I had been busy and working with my thesis for almost 2 months. It was neither so bad nor so fun. I just followed the process so it was ever ongoing. Sometimes it felt like there was no break and I had to work everyday, or I just couldn’t structure my schedule so I ended up working everyday which wasn’t so enjoyable. Anyway, I read a lot of scientific papers during this period much more than I ever did. I started to understand what people meant when talking about doing master’s study and research.
Stockholm weather was pretty weird during these few weeks. It was up and down, warm and cold (I mean cold and colder). It snowed one day and rained another day. Some days were white and some days were grey. Luckily, sun started to shine and stay in the sky longer meaning that the excessive sunlight was coming… I wasn’t sure if I would be happy about that.
There wasn’t much going on since last month though. I only focused on the thesis and Swedish class but I attended one workshop at Designit a few weeks ago. It was the service design jam and was very exciting. We had to come up with an idea to solve a problem in the area of service design. Fortunately we sort of got an idea and managed to finish the video presentation for it. I would put it in my portfolio soon. So that was a good weekend.
That’s Wanda, my teammate.That’s David, my another teammate.
Lately I didn’t draw anything. Just didn’t feel like it but I had some ideas and pictures in my mind-some things that I wanted to draw but I didn’t make it. Perhaps I would do it later when I got inspired. Though I got some photos from the winter ;)
These two are from around my house.
This one is from around KTH Hallen, the gym I went to.
This is when I went ice skating with some friends (Oliver on the left and Marina on the right).
We also did sauna bathing.
It was a nice weekend.
Jag pratade forfarande bara svenska med mina svenska rumskompisar. Jag vette inte om min svenska blev bättre men jag förstod mer och mer även om det gick långsamt. Jag tyckte att svenska kursen var mycket bra och hjälpsam eftersom jag träffade klasskamrater, övade tillsammans och lärde mig grammatik. Dessutom var det bra att jag kunde göra något annat än mitt exjobb. Det blev ganska tråkigt ibland och jag måste ha variation. Det var allt för den här gången. Vi ses nästa gång.
Hej då,