

Everything seemed to be pretty slow. I didn’t have much to do in the last few weeks yet I didn’t stay home doing nothing. I still went to gym as usual and made my lunchboxes every week. I was just longing for my thesis to start and it did start last week, officially. I did my thesis with Great Works, the company that I worked with since last summer and it was the same project. It was quite fascinating to see the project growing from scratch until launching to the public (not yet). I would be working with this until June and that would be when I finish with KTH, hopefully.

Lately I just discovered Twenty One Pilots, the music band, and I was a bit addicted to them, not only their strange music, but also the artists themselves. They were quite hilarious. Their point of view on music was pretty critical and interesting. As they wrote their own songs, those songs came from their insights. They were really deep and I could relate somehow. Perhaps that was why I liked them. However, they just had a concert in Stockholm last year when I still didn’t know them. Sadly I had to wait for another chance.

This semester I also started studying Swedish again but this time it wasn’t at SFI, but KTH. They offered a free course (and no credit) for the paid international students every Tuesday and Thursday. Let’s see until June how far I can go this time. I really hoped that I could speak more fluently which shouldn’t be too difficult as I only had the thesis and this Swedish course for this last semester. I just needed to practice more.

Here are some photos from the kick-off meeting in Lindingö with my new classmates from the Swedish course.

Last weekend my Thai friends and I had a food party for the Lunar New Year. It was a lot of fun, a lot of food and super crowded.

Här är en liten text för mig att praktisera svenska. Jag skulle börja skriva någon svensk text i min blogg. Det var ganska svårt att skriva för första gången men jag trodde att det skulle bli lättare nästa gång. Förutom att skriva pratade jag också svenska med mina svenska rumskompisar. Det var ännu svårare eftersom jag inte kunde öppna lexikon eller Google Translate. Men jag berättade för dem att jag skulle prata mera svenska så de borde prata svenska i stället för engelska. Och de hjälpte mig mycket. Det var bra.

Vi ses och hörs,

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