Welcome Autumn


The summer had just passed and I think it was a very very good one :) I had a great time with my friends and moved in with my favourite people-so far so good. My life at the house was really fine. I was happy with how and whom I lived with-Guillaume(that French boy), Swedish families, 2 cats and a dog. Everything was nice and warm despite the cold temperature of Swedish autumn.

My second year at KTH had already started for a couple of weeks. I didn’t take many courses this semester-only 2 actually. So I could spare my time for the freelance job which I had been doing since summer. Also I was struggling with the projects I had from the courses. It wasn’t easy but I hoped it would turn out to be great. At least I could say I learned how to build stuff.

Besides school, Guillaume and I also started to do something more serious for gym and diet. It was a little messy and difficult in the beginning. We sort of kept track of calories, food and exercises. Then we would probably see the results in a couple of months I guess. It was nice to have a gym buddy to keep up the motivation and attitude. Big thanks to the French boy ;)


Summer vibes around my place :)

This is from Nickelback concert in Stockholm. It was pretty good.

My housemates and I went to Uppsala Kulturnatten a couple of weeks ago. It was pretty dark and I didn’t take many photos :/

Then, it’s food&game time. Some small food party I had with my housemates. It was really awesome :D
This is sort of Thai fusion food. I was trying to make spicy seafood noodle. The dessert is ice-cream plus Oreo. Couldn’t be sweeter.
Sushi by Frenchie, German and Swedes.
Homemade Swedish pancakes.
Some Wii tournament at home :)

Last but not least, the photos of 4 seasons in Sweden. They are from a little path around KTH Hallen.

See you another time!

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