Summer Vacay Part 2

Read the part 1 here.

There was not much planned on the next day. We just took it easy and chilled around the town. Then it was time to say goodbye to Michael and Andreas :/ It was enjoyable and fun. Huge thanks to Kühni family. My next destination was Milan. So I took the train from Samedan to Tirano. The train went on the Rhaetian railway. It is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The view was extremely beautiful. Unfortunately it rained but I can still see some glaciers along the way. I had a lunch stop in Tirano before continuing to Milan.


The weather in Milan was good. It didn’t rain but a bit cloudy. I was alone again. My plan was to visit those touristic areas so I went to Duomo di Milano and around that area (Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Palazzo Reale), Castello Sforzesco, Porta Ticinese, Monte Napoleone (shopping street) and a couple of places that I don’t remember the names. Italian food is very very good, I must say. It is way much better than Italian food in other cities that I had before.


The next visit was Como, to the north of Milan. I went to visit Mozzi twins-Giuliana and Margherita. We went to the famous lake of Como and hung out around the town with their friends. It was a really nice day with really nice weather. Huge thanks to Mozzi twins and the company :)


My last country was France. Guillaume arranged a summer trip at his summer house in Ardèche so I went to visit him. Pablo Bardesi Isusi and Lukasz Bleszynski also came along. It was a lovely house. We stayed with him, his mother, grandparents and 2 dogs. Huge thanks to this lovely family :D We did a couple of outdoor activities-canyoning, “accrobranche”, and kayaking. I don’t have many photos of those activities since a camera was not recommended to have during the activities. It was supposed to be a vacation time but there were several hiking and bathing sessions. I may say it was pretty intense, adventurous, but extremely fun.


We stayed in Ardèche for 4 days and a half. Then we moved to Croissy, the outskirts of Paris where Guillaume’s home was. Pablo didn’t join us there but went back home in Spain. We spent a couple of days in Paris travelling around the towns and, of course, those touristic places-Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower), L’Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile, Cathédrale Notre-Dame (Notre-Dame Cathedral), Musée du Louvre (Louvre Museum), Petit Palais, Pont Alexandre III bridge, Musée de l’Armée (Army Museum). We had Charlotte Allemand joining us for one day. There was also a day in Versailles when Lukasz, Guillaume and I went to Château de Versailles. And there was a day when I was alone in Paris so I went to Sacré-Cœur, Palais du Luxembourg (Luxembourg Palace), Panthéon, and Les Catacombes de Paris (Catacombs of Paris). The thing was, for the catacombs, I spent 4 hours 40 minutes in the queue and it was the longest queue I had ever been to! Though I spent around 40 minutes inside the catacombs XD I didn’t really expect that I would waste so much time in that single queue in a day. Anyway, it was the last day in Paris and I didn’t have much to do before I flew back to Stockholm in the evening.


So it was a great trip and a great experience. I met a lot of good people and friends, and learned some new stuff. I guess I learned something about myself even though I’m not sure what it was. Well, it was another solo trip in new countries and different cultures. It was worth it ;)

See you another time!

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