Second Chance


Here is my second chance in Sweden. I would try my best to accomplish my goal this time after I failed last year-I couldn’t find a job. My family had spent so much money for me in these last few years. It needs to pay off!


Day 1:
Arrived Stockholm around 7.00 a.m. I went to KTH to pick up a key and for introduction. After that, I went to the apartment in the afternoon and checked up the room. It wasn’t really ready. Some lights and electricity didn’t work properly and the apartment was empty. I couldn’t cook anything to eat. Nothing was ready. I had some sandwiches and milk for dinner.


Day 2:
My Thai friends and I went to IKEA to buy a lot of stuff. The lights in the bathroom still didn’t work. The fridge, microwave and stove didn’t work as well. I reported it already.

Day 3:
First day of the pre-sessional English course. It was okay. I met new people… I went to IKEA to buy more stuff. The electricity in the room got fixed. I went to Skatteverket to change my surname (the spelling) and address.

Day 4:
Started with the English class. Then, we had a city tour around Gamla Stan and Riddarholmen. These are my new Italian friends-Giuliana and Margherita, the Mozzi sisters. I didn’t believe them in the beginning that they are twins LOL. Again, I went to IKEA-3 days in a row…

Day 5:
English class, then pub crawl. Basically, we just went to different bars and hung out for a while. We met some nice Swiss friends :) No IKEA today. YAY!

Day 6:
English class and the city tour around Östermalm. We actually had a very long walk from there. It was like 2 hours. I went to IKEA again…

Day 7:
The English class was short. We had a 2-minute pitching, so it was around 10 minutes including feedback from the teacher. Then, we were done for the week. I also went to IKEA…5 times in 7 days. I didn’t enjoy going there but it was like there was always something missing. In the late afternoon, we played a Swedish game called “Rounders”. It was a bat-and-ball game. We hit a ball with a bat and we run to different spots in the field to collect points. It was fun and tiring. I hadn’t sprinted for a long while.

After the game, we went to our new Swiss friends’ place for the birthday party-Cyril turned 23 (the second guy in red shirt from left)! There were so many talking and eating, many languages and it was very good :D


So, that was the first week. It just happened really fast. I hadn’t had a full rest after the long flight from last week, but I think doing many things and keeping busy can actually help me dealing with jet-lag. My body was just adapting to the Swedish time and soon would get used to it.

See you later,

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