Master Of Science
My thesis was done. My master’s study at KTH was over. Though it might not be official as I hadn’t received my degree yet but I received the results already. It was “passed”, of course. My thesis presentation went quite smooth. Everything went as planned. There was no such surprise moment, but my house owner (Maria) was there. Yes, she attended my presentation. That was heartwarming :)
Two years ran past pretty fast. I still felt like everything just happened yesterday. I might say that it wasn’t easy but it wasn’t too difficult even though I didn’t study science in my bachelor’s (I got a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree). I changed my path and all I had to do was just to try harder. And I had to try even harder at this moment when I was writing this blog because I had to find a job in Stockholm. I tried it before but apparently I didn’t succeed.
It was about 3 weeks already after my thesis presentation. I had been working on my portfolio all those days. My friend told me that I could do it better. Plus, after 3 months of applying for a job, I still got no job. That just confirmed his feedback. So I redesigned my website a bit and redid how to present each project again. It hadn’t been done yet and was still in progress. It took a lot of time I may say. I had such high hope on this and really hoped it would take me somewhere. I planned to finish this within this summer so I can start job hunting after the summer.
Talking about summer, summer solstice just passed last Wednesday and midsummer was just last Friday. So it was getting dark again. This year I celebrated midsummer with my Thai friends in Vaxholm (same place I celebrated my first Swedish midsummer a couple of years ago). There were hundreds of people (or even thousands). The weather was nice and it was pretty fun :D
I received this lovely bouquet from my kind guest-Maria when she attended my thesis presentation.
Also, this is a little gift (dalahäst) to congratulate my master’s study from Maria and Lennart.
This was one afternoon when I hosted a little BBQ party at my place with some friends.
Perhaps this was the last thesis group meeting after an intense semester.
It was a fun weekend during midsummer in Vaxholm with my Thai company.
Jag hade inte pluggat någon svenska. Jag hade varit upptagen med min portfolio efter min exjobbspresentation. Min dag fylldes med gym och portfolion. Men jag hade svenskaböckerna från svenskakursen som fortfarande hade några övningar som jag kunde jobba med. Jag hade också fortfarande pratat svenska hemma men det var inte så effektivt tyckte jag. Kanske jag skulle plugga svenska igen efter sommaren.
Vi ses,
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