Momentous Event

Hi there,

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak got worse and worse everyday. I was pretty chilled earlier until the number of patients in Thailand started to rise dramatically as if no one can control it anymore (although they said it was still in control). I could only hope it would soon pass so things can get back to normal.

This situation was actually serious and significant that it just happened now. The whole world was experiencing and enduring the same illness as it was pandemic. Many global and public events got cancelled and postponed. All stock markets went down rapidly. In Thailand, it was such a prove that our governments could actually manage the country and the situation (which I really doubted that). It seemed that all the systems were so vulnerable and close to collapse. 

My company encouraged everyone to work from home unless it was really necessary to go out because more and more cases were popping up around the town and getting closer to us. My teammates and I started to work from home last week. I didn’t really like it because I got easily distracted in my own space. The good thing was that I could save a lot of time from the commuting part (at least a few hours a day). The worst thing was that the gym and yoga studio closed during this time, and I had no equipment to work out at home D:

Anyway, here are images of my lovely teammates while we had a meeting. My team was a mix of Thais, Singaporeans, and a Malaysian. It was a tough time and we couldn’t stay together to have a meeting since the Singaporeans and Malaysian had to leave Thailand because their countries closed the border. Otherwise, they would be stuck in Thailand until who-knows-when :/

From top-bottom and left-right, Ema, me, Zach, Chelsi, and Jeff (in the little right corner).

From top-bottom and left-right, Minnie, O, Karen, and Popo (For once, we went through war together).

The last but not least, Jean.

Beside these, there were also Tod who was on a secret mission, Derek who was looking from afar, Aom and Aim who just moved on to another project.

We would be here together for just this project though. When the time comes, I will have to move to another team for a new project…:/

Stay virus-free and see you when I see you,

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