Almost Christmas
Hello there,
It was getting darker and colder but the Christmas vibes were also increasing more and more. I had decorated my apartment for Christmas for a bit although I was not really Christian. I just went to a Christian high school for 12 years. Perhaps that was how I got used to Christmas. Here it was quite cozy and nice to see light decoration in town during the darkest time of the year and I couldn’t resist it. I already got my own home so maybe I should do something about it too :D
Earlier this month I went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the musical with Club Afry (the social activity by Afry). It was super fun and amazing! The performers especially all the kids were just great. The stage was very beautiful and creative. I got some free chocolate at the dinner as well.
Last week I arranged another big dinner at my place. This time we ate cheese fondue. I got a fondue set for free from a flee market during the summer. So this was a good opportunity to use it. It was my first cheese fondue ever. I got lots of help and suggestions from other friends. There were supposed to be 6 of us but Philip couldn’t make it. So there were Sanna, Jesper, Marco, Stephanie and me. It went so quickly that we didn’t take any group photo. I couldn’t remember if the cheese or wine got emptied first XD It was delicious and I was really looking forward to the next cheese fondue :D